Madrasah Admissions 21/22


Conditions Specific to New Intake of P1 class

 Age- The child must be 4 years as at 31st August in the year of enrollment as a student (ie for Sept 2021 admission, the applicant should be 4 years old by *31st August 2021)*

 Maximum number of entrants for P1 class is 22

All Applications

 Applications will be completed by parents/guardians via an online form/online application process which the madrasah will advertise via the website, on the Jamaats main page, Jamaat whatsapp announcements, social media etc.

 The admissions window will commence on the *1st June 2021* remain open till 21st June 2021 23:59

 Members of the KSIMC of Birmingham will be given priority over other applicants 

 Applications will be on a first come basis for KSIMC of Birmingham members, and then the remaining spaces will be allocated to non-member applications in the order they applied for admission


The decision of the Madressa with regards to admissions is final.
Madrasah Admissions 21/22